Et voilà! Le plat principal ( the main dish)! Beef tournedos with bone marrow and steamed vegetable parcels. The beef is local, from our Limousin department and couldn’t be more is cut from the filet and enjoyed with the marrow served on top, sprinkled withmy favorite fleur de sel..wonderful…I am a hypocrite, I can’t be a vegetarian! The sauce is made from a shallot, red wine, a few drops of balsamic vinegar and a few cubes of ice cold butter, whisked into the reduced wine sauce. If you have never made a simple red wine sauce like this, you are missing out on a succulent slice of life!

tournedos de boeuf 5

beef tournedos & marrow recette1

Une pincée de fleur de sel:

  • Tournedos cut from beef filet is the most tender pieces and need quick cooking.
  • Order of preparation to serve your tournedos/ 1. Prepare the vegetable parcels. 2. Bard the tournedos. 3.Cut the shallots for the sauce. 4.Cook the marrow. 5.Cook the meat. 6.Cook the vegetables. 7.Reduce the sauce. 8.Serve.
  • The cooking foil can withstand  temperatures of up to 220degr. C.
  • The marrow can be removed from the whole bone beforehand and poached in stock for 3-5 minutes, instead of frying in a pan.
  • Replace 1 cup of wine with 1 cup veal stock for a lighter sauce.
  • Instead of cooking the vegetable parcels in the microwave, it can be baked in the oven at 180 degr. C for about 15 minutes.
  •  Choose other vegetables, but keep to a maximum of three.
  • You can find professional cooking foil here and a demo on one way to use it.
  • Have fun!


Our Christmas this year is once again in the barn with  dry mossed branches from the woods, stuck in a pot, assisted with rocks and stones from the “building site” ( the house area)..pampilles from Marinell’s wedding, rusted keys, and last but not least..our little owls. I am also somewhat off faerie lights and went for tiny lanterns instead, burning with a tealight every evening till late night. It sort of replaced our candle we usually burn for December in memory of everybody we love.

1noël 2012

16noël 2012

13noël 2012

14noël 2012

11noël 2012

18noël 2012

Isn’t it great to just for once in a year let the child in us loose, whichever way you choose it…? I hope by now your tree is up, how simple or elaborate..I hope you have a tiny something with a bow under your tree for someone else…I hope you have a candle burning…I hope you have love for someone around you, and I hope your heart is filled with hope..

19noël 2012

  • Tomorrow we will end our menu with an apple turret for dessert with a touch of amaretto..I just love dessert! One should enjoy dessert, small quantity, but it resounds off a meal beautifully..I can’t wait for tomorrow..why? Because I get to eat the dessert after I photographed it, of course!
  • I have to pass on another good French film; if you think you would like the previous ones I advised, you would like this too _ I am a sucker for vintage French films...La tranchée des espoirs.

à demain mes chers amis


7 thoughts on “Un Noël à la campagne 4: Beef tournedos with bone marrow and steamed vegetable parcels.

  1. All looks so artsy festive … and a delightful mouthwatering recipe. Thank you, dear Ronelle. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and joyous Christmas.


  2. Beautiful holiday decor! I love to serve filet for Christmas and I haven’t heard about bone marrow for years. My mother used to encourage me to eat it as a child, maybe having something to do with being from Europe. I loved it but it is not something you hear about in the States. I am serving Prime Rib this year with a stuffed and rolled turkey breast, ala Martha Stewart! Happy Holidays.



  3. Beautiful chez vous.. hiboux:) …Chez vous…Comme toujours!


    Better than my B and B in Provence..La Ferme De La Huppe:)


  4. We will never be vegetarians either and we love beef tenderloin. What a gorgeous presentation. I have really enjoyed your holiday meal plate by plate and will enjoy seeing dessert next 🙂

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Ronelle.


  5. Your photos just made my heart soar. So festive, so merry, so sweet. I love how you did the beef – I do something similar but never with the marrow – making a note of that for the New Year. Merry Christmas, to you and yours!


  6. Thank you for visiting my blog 🙂 I love your blog, you have wonderful recipes and I like to see your photos and what you’ve been up to. It’s fun ! You have beautiful decorations, I love the owls and the pampilles !
    Happy new year !


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